表編み込みフィッシュボーンテクニック、手元でわかりやすく解説![Easy Hair Styling Tutorial]

表編み込みフィッシュボーンテクニック、手元でわかりやすく解説![Easy Hair Styling Tutorial]

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Thank you for checking out kon.s hair’s easy hair styling tutorial video!

In this video, we demonstrate easy hair styling techniques that you can do at home. We provide detailed explanations of the technique for a regular fishbone braid, so we encourage you to give it a try!

This hairstyle is especially recommended for individuals with medium to long hair lengths. Once you get the hang of it, it’s incredibly simple to achieve, making it perfect for experimenting at home.

Additionally, this style is ideal for special occasions such as Shichi-Go-San (a traditional Japanese rite of passage for 3, 5, and 7-year-old children) and coming-of-age ceremonies.

Be sure to follow kon.s_hair on Instagram for more fantastic hairstyles and hair arrangement ideas. Stay tuned to catch the latest trends!

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